

Hello and thanks for stopping by! Welcome to Chase Your Happy.

The Who
I'm Lindsay, a 20-something Buckeye, communications specialist and freelance writer currently living in Brooklyn. I love magazines, delicious food, extended weekends, good conversations, long vacations sad songs and suspense movies. At my best, I'm happy, friendly, on time, a healthy eater, organized, artistic and funny. At my worst, I'm moody, irritable, lazy and prone to procrastination.

The What
Chase Your Happy is wellness and lifestyle blog that I started in January 2012. I've put off starting a blog for years (seriously, years) now, and I hope to use this as a space to discuss many things, but particularly health, wellness and lifestyle topics because those are what interest me most. Mostly, my topics will be geared toward women and people of color because I am both. I'm not, however, a registered, certified, qualified anything - just a chick with a (usually well-informed) opinion.

The Why
Because I'm always striving to live a happier and healthier life. Some fundamentals about me...

I believe in:
- healthy and hearty meals
- regular exercise
- water, water, water
- dessert 
- loving and respecting your body
- flaws

I don't believe in:
- cutting out food groups (unless for health reasons)
- people who wear sizes in the single-digits calling themselves fat (seriously, kick rocks with that)
- food shaming
- pretending that counting calories or points is impressive
- disrespecting your body
- perfection